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Research Operations Office


Published on Tue, 21/04/2015 - 12:23

The University of Cambridge has entered into an open innovation collaboration with GSK located at the Stevenage Bioscience Catalyst (SBC) that gives University researchers access to the drug development expertise of GSK and other pharmaceutical companies. The project focuses on therapeutic opportunities, but will benefit other healthcare technologies including devices and biomarkers (diagnostics, patient stratification and pharmaceutical biomarker strategies in discovery). GSK have no commercial rights to projects in the collaboration, but are not precluded from being a commercial partner.

The open innovation model at SBC allows Cambridge scientists to freely interact with other pharmaceutical biotech, contract research organisations, SBC tenants and academic institutions. It is anticipated that the Cambridge presence will grow to between three and five University research projects located at SBC at any one time.

Cambridge Enterprise is managing this project and researchers interested in learning more about are invited to contact Christine Martin ( or Iain Thomas ( More information is available at