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Research Operations Office


Published on Tue, 21/04/2015 - 12:23

As part of the Research Council’s commitment to moving to the Shared Services Centre, the MRC will be transferring to the RCUK joint electronic system (JeS) at the end of March. All applications to the MRC with a deadline before the end of March will be processed through the current MRC Electronic Application and Assessment System (EAA), any applications with a deadline from April onwards will need to be submitted on JeS. The MRC section of the JeS system will be available from 21st March for people to begin to prepare applications, before that date any applications for a deadline after 1st April should be prepared off line.

The EAA system will no longer be available from the 31st March so if anyone would like to retrieve any current or historic applications from the system they must do so before 31st March 2011. Anyone who does not already have a JeS account will need to apply for one – we suggest that this is done well in advance of any application deadline. If anyone would like any help with obtaining a JeS account or training on the system please contact your School Team at the Research Office For more information on the transfer to JeS please see the MRC website: