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Research Operations Office


Published on Tue, 21/04/2015 - 12:23

e-Val is the MRC’s online system for gathering data related to the outputs and outcomes from MRC-funded research. In principle, the MRC try to maintain the same set of questions each year, however having reviewed the data, some updates have been made to this year's survey which will take place 4 October - 26 November 2010. These include:

  • Section 3 Further Funding – additional questions to ask when funding started and ended
  • Section 4 Next Destination - additional question to ask which country a staff member moved into
  • Section 5 Dissemination - the drop down options have been changed to describe how the research was disseminated
  • Section 6 Influence on Policy - has been renamed to Influence on Policy and Practice
  • Section 8 Intellectual Property - researchers are now asked to provide the patent publication number for all patent applications published or granted
  • Section 9 Products and Interventions - all the drop down menus have been revised and simplified
  • For NPRI/LLHW awards - sections have been added to replace the generic use of section 12

The complete set of questions can be found on the MRC’s website