Published on Fri, 24/06/2022 - 15:51
ERC and MSCA Fellows
Following on from previous bulletin updates, EC Grant Agreement Preparations for the awarded MSCA projects in 2021 have now been terminated. We are anticipating similar steps to be taken for ERC grants from 29th June 2022 and we will contact grant holders in due course. This is an expected step as the UK’s current lack of association to the Horizon Europe programme means that we are unable to sign the EC Grant Agreements for these projects. The Research Operations Office (ROO) is in touch with those who have been awarded Horizon Europe projects and we are in the process of transferring these to UKRI funding.
The lack of association is only impacting those new awards under the Horizon Europe framework and ongoing H2020 grants are currently not affected and can continue as normal.
Collaborative Projects
ROO is currently working with around 30 Horizon Europe (HE) collaborative projects (outside of the ERC/MSCA PF schemes) awarded under 2021 calls to access the UKRI underwrite funds. We have circulated guidance on this process to our award holders once we are aware of successful awards. If you have been included on a successful HE collaborative award and have not received any guidance on the next steps from ROO, please do get in touch with your Departmental research grants administration team who can liaise with us.
There is currently no cut-off date/deadline for the submissions to the UKRI underwrite funds, as these can only be made once the overarching Grant Agreements have been signed between the lead institution and the EC. Therefore the timing of the submission to UKRI will depend on the conclusion of that process.
If you or your project consortium lead needs any information or support on accessing the underwrite funds, please don’t hesitate to contact the EU and International team at ROO.
Apply for Horizon Europe Funding
We would like to remind you that UK institutions are still eligible to apply for Horizon Europe Funding. The current situation does not affect your ability to apply and has no bearing on the evaluation of applications. Please make sure that in the submission stage of your proposal you are included as co-ordinator or partner (beneficiary) to the project, not an Associated Partner and contact the Research Development Team for further information.