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Research Operations Office


Published on Fri, 08/07/2022 - 15:55

  • Underwrite of 2021 ERC projects

As expected, the UK’s current lack of association to the Horizon Europe programme, means we are unable to sign the EC Grant Agreements for ERC StG/CoG/AdG grants. The majority of these ERC projects are in the process of being transferred to UKRI funding. We would encourage any ERC StG/CoG/AdG award holder who is still yet to initiate the submission forms via JeS, to do this as soon as possible, because the EC Grant Agreement process has now been terminated.


  • Underwrite of 2021 MSCA projects

The UKRI portal for the MSCA Doctoral Networks opened earlier this week. We are forwarding instructions to the relevant PIs and their Departmental Grants Administration contacts about the next steps. The internal processes for the approval of this submission will follow much the same path as for the other schemes going via the UKRI underwrite.


  • Underwrite of 2021 Collaborative projects

We are continuing to circulate guidance to our award holders as ROO is made aware of successful awards. If you have been included on a successful HE collaborative award and have not received any guidance from us on the next steps, please do get in touch with your Departmental research grants administration team and they can liaise with ROO.

By way of reassurance, there is currently no cut-off date/deadline for the submissions to UKRI, as these can only be made once the overarching Grant Agreements have been signed between the lead institution and the EC. Therefore, the timing of the submission to UKRI will depend on the conclusion of that process.

If you or your project consortium lead need any information or support to access the underwrite funds, please don’t hesitate to contact the EU and International team at ROO.


  • Applying to Horizon Europe and ongoing H2020 projects

UK institutions are still eligible to apply for Horizon Europe Funding. The UK’s current lack of association does not affect your ability to apply and has no bearing on the evaluation of applications.

UKRI have reiterated that in the submission stage of proposals, UK institutions should be included as a beneficiary to the project, not an Associated Partner. If you intend to submit an application as the lead of a consortia, you should ensure that contingency plans are included in the project proposal which covers the eventuality of the grant being awarded, but the UK still not having associated.

Also, be aware that the list of calls currently covered by the UKRI underwrite guarantee, only extends to those schemes which had envisaged Grant Agreement signature dates prior to 31st December 2022. For the calls which are not yet included by the UKRI Guarantee Guidance, UKRI have stated that UK institutions should continue to apply as beneficiaries.

The lack of association currently only impacts those new awards under the Horizon Europe framework, ongoing H2020 grants are not affected and can continue as normal.