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Research Operations Office


Published on Fri, 19/05/2023 - 14:31

On 15 December 2022, EU Council adopted an implementing decision prohibiting certain Hungarian institutions (any public interest trusts established on the basis of the Hungarian Act IX of 2021) from entering into legal commitments regarding the EU budget. This means that

  • From 16th December, Hungarian Institutions listed cannot sign grant agreements including programmes such as Horizon Europe. Instead of being a beneficiary and receiving EU funding, they must now become an Associated Partner and funding be sourced from the Hungarian Government.
  • Where the Grant Agreement with the EC is signed after 16th of December 2022, indirect funding of the Hungarian entities is also prohibited. For example, through the purchase of goods, works or services, subcontracting and financial support to third parties. 
  • Where Grant Agreements are signed before 16th December 2022, the listed Hungarian entities can continue to participate as beneficiaries. Legal commitments concluded before 16th December 2022 and any subsequent payments are not affected. However, within these projects, new legal commitments (new subcontracting arrangements, new legal agreements to provide contributions against payment as a third party, newly adding them as a beneficiary) cannot be engaged. Only the original agreement prior to 16th December 2022 can continue.
  • Hungarian entities are allowed to apply for EU Funding (Horizon Europe).  For successfully evaluated proposals, (assuming that these measures are not lifted at the time of the grant agreement signature), the Hungarian entities could still participate as Associated Partner i.e. without EU funding and instead the funding would flow from the Hungarian Government).

For further details, please refer to UKRO’s webpage on Clarifications on the Participation of Hungarian Universities in Horizon Europe Projects. In addition, we advise you to get in touch with your Project Officer for confirmation and further guidance for any queries you may have on your project.