Published on Fri, 10/08/2018 - 13:29
The 2019 ERC Work Programme, which was due to be published in mid-July, is now expected in mid-September 2018. This significant delay means that the opening of the call and issuing of the University’s usual crib sheets will also be delayed. The crib sheets will be available on the Research Operations Office website shortly after the Work Programme is officially released.
Note that the ERC deadlines are expected to remain the same –
Starting Grants |
Wednesday 17 October 2018 |
4pm UK time |
Synergy Grants |
Thursday 8 November 2018 |
4pm UK time |
This means that there will be a shorter amount of time than usual between applicants being able to register their proposal on the portal when the call launches (expected mid-September) and the above deadlines.
There are also some anticipated changes in the review criteria for ERC grants under the 2019 Work Programme. Additional details are available on the ROO website and from the ERC’s document
If you have any questions or need any further information, please contact Bethan Hosking Jones, ERC Officer