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Research Operations Office


Published on Tue, 21/04/2015 - 12:23

The ERC has introduced a new pilot scheme, called Synergy Grants (SyG) in the 2012 ERC Work Programme. This call will be published on 25 October 2011 with a single deadline of 25 January 2012. The ERC Synergy Grants are aimed at outstanding researchers throughout Europe, who jointly work on an innovative research project. The group can consist of a minimum of two and a maximum of four Principal Investigators and the objective of the Synergy Grants is to foster interdisciplinary research. ERC Synergy Grants will be granted for a period of up to 6 years and comprise a maximum funding of 15 million EUR. Please note that in line with other ERC applications, the EC strongly recommends early registration and submission well in advance of the call deadline.

Further information can be found in the ERC Work Programme 2012 on pages 32-38: