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Research Operations Office


Published on Fri, 10/12/2021 - 13:15

In an update to the information circulated at RGUG, departments are asked to cost Facilities via the “Internal Invoicing” funder budget heading – where possible, these should be costed on the Facilities Tab to ensure the correct unit price is used, as the Horizon Europe X5 templates have been updated to include the Facilities fEC rate. The Facilities fEC rates incorporate an indirect cost element, and no additional overheads are applied in the Horizon Europe costing.

The next major Horizon Europe call is the ERC Starting Grant, and details of how to enter Internal Invoicing costs on X5 are available in the Research Office’s ERC Starting Grant cribsheet. As per the information given at RGUG, claims for Facilities usage on Horizon Europe grants will then be made in accordance with the new requirements as agreed methodology comes on-line in 2022.

In response to a query raised at RGUG, we can confirm that costs associated with supply from the University’s Colleges should not be classed as Internal Invoicing. This is because they are not classed as an internal supply as Colleges are separate legal entities to the University.