Published on Fri, 25/09/2020 - 11:33
Following this UKRI announcement, updated Terms and Conditions requiring organisations to be compliant with the new UKRI Preventing Harm Safeguarding in Research and Innovation policy will be applied to new UKRI grants from March/April 2021.
This policy applies to all UKRI funded activities irrespective of whether they take place in the UK, or overseas and to all individuals and organisations receiving UKRI funding either directly, or indirectly through a partner organisation. Below are useful links to the University’s safeguarding policies, guidance and resources to help applicants complete this requirement:
Safeguarding Work Away - policy, guidance, assessment forms and templates
For guidance on safeguarding in international development research, the UK Collaborative on Development Research has produced a number of resources. Of particular interest is the UKCDR Guidance on Safeguarding in International Development Research, which provides a set of principles and best practice guidance on safeguarding to anticipate, mitigate and address potential and actual harms in the funding, design, delivery and dissemination of international development research. An additional piece on the practical application of this guidance during COVID-19 is also available.