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Research Operations Office


Published on Tue, 21/04/2015 - 12:23

The Foreign Exchange policy is now in place across the University and having consulted with the members of Research Grants User Group (RGUG), the Research Office will be updating the inflation factor used on all overseas funders within pFACT from 5% to 3.5%. Therefore, all funders within the following funding source categories will change:

  • EU Government/EU Commission
  • EU Other
  • Overseas Charity
  • Overseas Govt/Educational
  • Overseas Nat/Public Corp
  • Overseas Private Ind/Comm

For any new proposals that are created, pFACT will automatically pull through the new rate of inflation. However, if there is a project with a status of 'Under Construction', 'DA' or 'HoD' you will need to delete the funder and then add it back to the proposal so that the new inflation rate of 3.5% will pull through. Projects with the status 'Research Services', 'Submitted', 'Project Accepted' and 'Project Rejected' projects will retain the old rate of 5%. The updated rate will be made to pFACT on Monday 4 October 2010 between 8:00am and 10:00am during which time the system will be vulnerable.

If you have any queries regarding these changes, please contact your School team at the Research Office or the pFACT helpdesk at or tel: 65432. Further details regarding the foreign exchange policy can be found at