Published on Tue, 21/04/2015 - 12:23
At a recent AHRC ARMA event it was announced that:
1. AHRC is to reduce the time limit on delays to starting certificates from the current 6 months from the start date notified on the award letter, to 3 months. Departments should be aware that it is their responsibility to log in the Je-S and retrieve the start certificate, complete the information on the expenditure that has triggered the start of the project, and then submit back to the Je-S submitter pool. The Department should then inform for Research Operations Office so that they can forward it to the Research Council. The grant may lapse if not started within this period.
2. AHRC has indicated that from March 2013, sanctions of 100% of the research grant funding will be incurred if the Final Expenditure Statement (FES) or Final Report is delayed by six months or more after the deadline. Research Operations Office will complete and submit the FES, but Departments are responsible for completing and submitting the Final Scientific Report. The sanction will take the form of a reduction in the next block payment to the University, which will be debited to the host Department for the grant in question. Reimbursement of the sanction is not automatic, so it is very important Departments monitor compliance with this requirement. Please inform the Research Operations Office when it has been submitted, and alert the Research Operations Office if any problems are envisaged with meeting the deadline, in line with the award letter.