Published on Tue, 21/04/2015 - 12:23
All seven Research Councils - Deadline: 4pm 13 November 2014
Cancer Research UK - Deadline: 20 November 2014
British Heart Foundation - Deadline: 1 December 2014
Here is a summary of the Cambridge submission rates for the following funders, as of 3 November
AHRC – 14%
BBSRC - 13%
ESRC – 5%
EPSRC – 23%
MRC – 17%
NERC – 15 %
STFC – 5%
BHF – 16%
CRUK – 13%
CRUK - if the compliance rate falls below 90%, CRUK will withhold all monthly grant payments to the offending institution as a whole and will continue to do so until to the compliance rate is above 90%.
MRC - the following sanctions maybe applied:
- the researcher may be unable to apply (either as a Principal Investigator or as a Co-Investigator) for further awards from any Research Council
- if the award is still current payments for the award may be withheld
Researchfish username and password
If you can’t find your username details for Researchfish, send an e-mail to If you need to reset your password, please visit and a link to reset your password will be sent to the email address associated with your Researchfish account.
Delegated authority
PIs can nominate one or more delegates to enter information on his or her behalf. It is only the PI who can set up delegates, it cannot be done by anyone else. Note that it is PIs who are responsible for making the final submission.
Checking your awards
If your grant closed more than 5 years ago, it should have a response code 3, meaning that no further submissions are required. If this is not the case and it has a response code 1, could Departments e-mail by 9am Thursday 6th Nov, so that we can liaise with RCUK to change the response code.
If there is an award on Researchfish that you don’t recognise, please e-mail so that we can reallocate it to the appropriate Department to give them time to submit their outputs.
Further details on types of role, response codes, help and reminders can be found at