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Research Operations Office


The Research Operations Office EU Team is organising a European Innovation Council (EIC) Information online event which will be held on Thursday 4th July 2024, between 10:30-12:00 (UK time). The event is primarily aimed at University of Cambridge Researchers and collaborators as well as professional support service staff across the University of Cambridge. 



Grzegorz Ambroziewicz, Deputy Head of Unit, EIC Pathfinder will join us as a guest speaker from the European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency (EISMEA). He will provide a general introduction to the EIC Programme, with a specific focus on EIC Pathfinder and EIC Accelerator.


Slides and recordings

Thank you to those who joined the event. The slides and recordings from the session are now available


European Innovation Council (EIC)

European Innovation Council (EIC) under the Horizon Europe Programme has a budget of €10.1 billion and is designed to support breakthrough technologies and game-changing innovations. The EIC funds research from the lab to the market, helping it reach its full potential. There is significant potential for ERC Projects to be linked with EIC funding and become successful in EIC applications. Further details about the EIC 2024 work programme are now available.   


If you have any queries, please contact

Thursday, 4 July, 2024 - 10:30 to 12:00