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As soon as you know you will be moving, please contact the following people:

  • Your current department
  • Your new department at the University of Cambridge
  • The Research Operations Office's Finance Analyst - Research & Grants
  • Your sponsor
  • Any staff employed on the project - consult your current Human Resources department for assistance if staff are going to transfer with you, or will need alternative employment once the project is transferred; if you encounter any problems, Human Resources will be happy to assist
  • You will also need to contact our Finance Division to advise the Fixed Assets helpdesk of any equipment coming into the University, as this will need to be included on the Fixed Assets register

The Research Operations Office offer the following service to assist with the transfer:

  • The Finance Analyst - Research & Grants will seek confirmation of the transfer from your new department at Cambridge
  • We will write to the sponsor to confirm Cambridge’s acceptance in principle and will deal with any documentation that may be required from us by the sponsor
  • We will contact your current University to negotiate and confirm the arrangements for any staff employed on the grant, any equipment belonging to the project, and any arrangements for the protection of intellectual property relating to this piece of research
  • We will discuss with your department the at risk process of setting up the grant at the departments discretion to enable the project to continue without interruption on your arrival at Cambridge, especially if the transfer is likely to prove long or complex
  • We will take care of any contractual issues relating to the transfer
  • We will handle any correspondence from the sponsor relating to the closing budget, and will liaise with you/your new department; some sponsors require us to review and confirm the funds remaining, and to put together a proposed continuation budget, before the award is re-announced
  • We will receive and check the re-issued award letter, and will accept on your behalf
  • We will activate the grant at the University so that the funds are available for your research