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Research Operations Office


Published on Thu, 16/02/2017 - 16:29

The University's current subscription deal with the RSC (Royal Society of Chemistry) expired at the end of 2016. Various deals are on offer from the publisher through JISC and a decision needs to be made on which deal (if any) to agree. There will be a discussion meeting to explore issues surrounding journal subscriptions by the University.

  • What are the principles that should be used to decide whether to start or to renew journal subscriptions? 

  • How should we balance payment for subscriptions, for open access papers and for hybrid journals?

  • How should learned societies distinguish themselves from commercial publishers?

Discussions at the meeting will inform the Physical Sciences Consultative Committee, which will make a recommendation on the renewal. 

Wednesday 22nd February 2017

2:15pm – 3:15pm

Unilever Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry,Lensfield Road, Cambridge

Book your place here

If you have any queries, please e-mail