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Research Operations Office


Published on Tue, 21/04/2015 - 12:23

As part of the Research Operations Office Training Strategy (ROOTS) the next briefing sessions on Full Economic Costing and the Income Allocation Policy will take place as follows:

10am-12noon, Thursday 13 June 2013, Mill Lane Lecture Room 6

10am-12noon, Friday 14 June 2013, Clinical School Seminar Room 6

The briefing is relevant to all staff involved in research grants, particularly those new to the University and/or research grants and those seeking to confirm or refresh their understanding of University policy and its impact on research grants.

Content includes:         

  • What the PI should be aware of at application stage;     
  • What information might the Head of Department need to know before approving the application;        
  • What questions the Departmental Administrator may ask before submitting the application;        
  • How the Income Allocation Policy apportions overhead between the Department and the University (Chest).

To register please e-mail including your full name, department, role and a contact number, and stating which session you wish to attend.

Please forward this message on to appropriate colleagues involved in research grants.